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Create Run URL Action to Computer support page

This will create a URL link that will take you to the support page for a computer based on the computers Serial Number

  1. Goto Settings | Global Settings | Custom Fields

    Under Agents tab Add Custom Field (CaSe SeNsItIve)

    Custom Field

  2. Create Task (best to use Settings | Automation Manager if you want to apply it to all computers). Add script that has an output of the data you want.

    Collector Script

  3. Create URL Action (under Settings | Global Settings | URL ACTIONS) for Manufacturer websites

    URL Actions

Dell Support Page{{agent.SerialNumber}}/overview

Lenovo Support Page{{agent.SerialNumber}}

HP Support Page

It gives an errors because the product model doesn't match the serial number. If you figure out a better link please let us know! :){{agent.SerialNumber}}