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Server Troubleshooting Script

If you've asked for help in #support please run this, and send a screenshot at the top of the thread created for troubleshooting your issue.

Blur your domains if you desire privacy.

wget -N
chmod +x

Make sure DNS (name resolution) was setup properly

From the agent

Open command prompt


The IP address for all 3 should reflect your Tactical RMM server

Problems after new server install

In the very unlikely event you have issues after install please wipe the box and install again (following all the steps including downloading the install script but not running it yet) use the following command which will log the install progress and if you continue to have issues will assist with support of the installation.

bash -x 2>&1 | tee install.log


Logging of installs isn’t desirable as it logs extremely sensitive information which is why this isn’t done by default! Do not post the raw log publicly only provide it if requested and then by dm only. Authorized users in Discord are: @BurningTimes#1938 @sadnub#6992 @dinger1986#1734 @silversword#9652

"Bad credentials" error when trying to login to the Web UI

If you are sure you are using the correct credentials and still getting a "bad credentials" error, open your browser's dev tools (ctrl + shift + j on chrome) and check the Console tab to see the real error.

It will most probably be a CORS error which means you need to check your DNS settings and make sure whatever computer you're trying to access the UI from resolves your 3 subdomains to the correct IP of the server running the RMM (public IP if running in the cloud, or private IP if running behind NAT).

If you see an error about SSL or certificate expired, then your Let's Encrypt cert has probably expired and you'll need to renew it.

Refer to the Let's Encrypt cert renewal instructions here

Agents not installing or updating

The most common problem we've seen of agents not installing or updating is due to Antivirus blocking the updater executable.

Windows Defender will 100% of the time block the updater from running unless an exclusion is set.

Refer to the Agent Installation instructions for AV exceptions to set and manually doing an agent update with logging to troubleshoot further.

Agents will also not automatically update if they are too old.

Since Tactical RMM is still in alpha and the developers makes breaking changes pretty frequently, there is no promise of backwards compatibility.

If you have agents that are relatively old, you will need to uninstall them manually and reinstall using the latest version.

Agents not checking in or showing up / General agent issues

These are nats problems. Try quickfix first:

from Admin Web Interface

First, reload NATS from tactical's web UI:
Tools > Server Maintenance > Reload Nats Configuration

If that doesn't work, check each part starting with the server:

Server SSH login

Reload NATS:

/rmm/api/env/bin/python /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/ reload_nats
sudo systemctl restart nats

Look at nats service errors (make sure it's running)

sudo systemctl status nats

If nats isn't running see detailed reason why it isn't:

sudo systemctl stop nats
nats-server -DVV -c /rmm/api/tacticalrmm/nats-rmm.conf

Fix the problem, then restart nats.

sudo systemctl restart nats

From Agent Install

Open CMD as admin on the problem computer and stop the agent services:

net stop tacticalagent
net stop tacticalrpc

Run the tacticalagent service manually with debug logging:

"C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe" -m winagentsvc -log debug -logto stdout

Run the tacticalrpc service manually with debug logging:

"C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\tacticalrmm.exe" -m rpc -log debug -logto stdout

This will print out a ton of info. You should be able to see the error from the debug log output.

Please then copy/paste the logs and post them either in our Discord support chat, or create a github issue.

If all else fails, simply uninstall the agent either from control panel or silently with "C:\Program Files\TacticalAgent\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT and then reinstall the agent.

All other errors

First, run the update script with the --force flag.

This will fix permissions and reinstall python/node packages that might have gotten corrupted.

./ --force

Check the debug log from the web UI: File > Debug Log

Open your browser's dev tools (ctrl + shift + j on chrome) and check the Console tab for any errors

Check all the systemd services that the rmm uses to function and check to make sure they're all active/running and enabled:

sudo systemctl status rmm
sudo systemctl status daphne
sudo systemctl status celery
sudo systemctl status celerybeat
sudo systemctl status nginx
sudo systemctl status nats
sudo systemctl status nats-api
sudo systemctl status meshcentral
sudo systemctl status mongod
sudo systemctl status postgresql
sudo systemctl status redis

Read through the log files in the following folders and check for errors:


Using Cloudflare DNS

  • can be proxied.

  • can NOT be proxied.

  • can be proxied with the caveat that Mesh checks the cert presented to the agent is the same one on the server. I.e. no MITM. You'll need to copy Cloudflare's edge cert to your server if you want to proxy this domain.

Testing Network Connectivity between agent and server

Use powershell, make sure you can connect to 443 and 4222 from agent to server:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 4222
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443

Are you trying to use a proxy to share your single public IP with multiple services on 443? This is complicated and unsupported by Tactical RMM, test your setup.

Mesh Agent x86 x64 integration with TRMM

  1. Log into Mesh (you can right-click any agent, choose remote control or Remote Background)
  2. Goto your mesh interface (eg https://mesh.EXAMPLE.COM)
  3. Find your TacticalRMM group
  4. Click the add link
  5. Download both agents
  6. In Tactical RMM, go Settings > Global Settings > MeshCentral > Upload Mesh Agents upload them both into the appropriate places.

Need to recover your mesh token?

Login to server with SSH and run:

node /meshcentral/node_modules/meshcentral --logintokenkey